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Conference concept note 20 – 21 May 2020 Introduction Animated discussions, vibrant debates and strategic policies around diaspora and migrations are as wide-ranging as they are historical and contested. This reflects heterogeneity in concept and practice attendant to past migrations and underlined by

BY Amukelani Charmaine Matsilele The establishment of Black History Month occurred after the thirteenth amendment enforced the abolishment of slavery. Black History Month recognizes the central role of African Americans in the history of the U.S. The month is dedicated to

Black History Month (BHM), celebrated in February each year, has become a recognised phenomenon in many parts of the world, and Africa is no exception. With its origins in Negro History Week, which was established by historian, author and journalist Carter

The articles in this special issue are derived from a virtual activity lasting just over five months between May and October 2020. Dubbed the Old and New African Diaspora: Before and After COVID-19, the series of activities kicked off with

Conference concept note20 – 21 May 2020IntroductionAnimated discussions, vibrant debates and strategic policies around diaspora and migrations are as wide-ranging as they are historical and contested. This reflects heterogeneity in concept and practice attendant to past migrations and underlined by

BY Amukelani Charmaine MatsileleThe establishment of Black History Month occurred after the thirteenth amendment enforced the abolishment of slavery. Black History Month recognizes the central role of African Americans in the history of the U.S. The month is dedicated to

Black History Month (BHM), celebrated in February each year, has become a recognised phenomenon in many parts of the world, and Africa is no exception.With its origins in Negro History Week, which was established by historian, author and journalist Carter