

Experts from the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) in Nigeria, the Institute for Global Dialogue, and the African Center for the Study of the United States (ACSUS) at Wits University in South Africa will share recommendations and counsel against

By Michael Sudarkasa, CEO, Africa Business GroupAugust 2021America and Africa have a 500-year-plus long history of engagement. The US Library of Congress notes that as early as the 1500s, Africans were involved in the Age of Exploration and traveled widely.

If Americans are studying Africa, Africa needs to study America for a balanced engagement across public policy, civil society, corporate sector and at personal levels, writes Amukelani Charmaine Matsilele. American studies have been undertaken in other parts of the world but not

INTRODUCTION: With the global rise of the digital economy, Africa has become a playground for the US and China, respectively the first and second largest economies in the world by GDP. Over the past couple of years, the global competition between

Africa-US City Networking Forum and Academic Symposum 13-14 April 2021 & 20 April 2021 IntroductionThis concept note is for the convening of an Africa-US city networking forum and an academic symposium in April 2021. These activities will proceed as follows:• The

For decades, there has been a focused interest in the study of Africa by American universities through academic centres, programs and think tanks. There are currently over 40 institutions in US universities that study Africa. Their focus and areas of study are

The comprehensive victory of the Democratic Party in the United States November 2020 elections is the best outcome that South Africa and Africa could have hoped for…. The Democratic Party is an old opponent of apartheid, from as far back as

IntroductionThis concept note lays out initial thoughts and proposals for a new project on Africa-US-China engagements in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. It focuses on the competition between the US and China in Africa’s digital sphere while also

The Covid-19 pandemic has provoked multiple geostrategic uncertainties among nations and regions and schisms in various levels of global governance. Faced with the growing unpredictability of these developments, analysts are hard put as they gaze into the crystal ball to

The speakers were: Amini Kajunju, Executive Director of the International University of Grand Bassam (IUGB) Foundation; Dr Philani Mthembu, Executive Director at the Institute for Global Dialogue; Arsène Brice Bado, PhD, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at CERAP/Université Jésuite in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; Dr Bob