
American Studies

Extensive work has been done since the formation of ACSUS in establishing the viability of an American Studies program at the University of the Witwatersrand, and now, the ongoing development of the program, the first of its kind on the

If Americans are studying Africa, Africa needs to study America for a balanced engagement across public policy, civil society, corporate sector and at personal levels, writes Amukelani Charmaine Matsilele. American studies have been undertaken in other parts of the world but not

Undertaking American studies is very important to all universities worldwide. The American Studies in universities in African continent could be a very promising and interesting program to consider for its great potential and promise to foster development of knowledge among

By Siviwe Rikhotso Introduction Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) is a heavy feature in international relations and political studies around the world. As with many other lenses of analysis in international relations, FPA also considers the foreign policies of the biggest players in

Extensive work has been done since the formation of ACSUS in establishing the viability of an American Studies program at the University of the Witwatersrand, and now, the ongoing development of the program, the first of its kind on the

By Siviwe RikhotsoIntroductionForeign Policy Analysis (FPA) is a heavy feature in international relations and political studies around the world. As with many other lenses of analysis in international relations, FPA also considers the foreign policies of the biggest players in